Rhubarb-New England’s First Harvest

While the New England garden lays bare in the unpredictable May weather, one plant bursts forth with much enthusiasm~Rhubarb. This past weekend, our farmstay guest asked,”What is that?” when she saw the lush plant filled with pink and green stalks in our herb garden. “Rhubarb,” my husband responds proudly, “New England’s first harvest.” That one plant that New Englander’s long … Read More

The Mystery of Rhubarb~Rhubarb Jam

Cloudy….windy….rainy…..50 degrees……seems like perfect weather to me for making Rhubarb Jam! Rhubarb remains one of those mysterious plants.  A quick google search brings up a long history of rhubarb around the world. Historically, the dried root aided in curing a number of illnesses. It seems that it wasn’t until sometime in the 1800’s that it entered into culinary dishes. Some … Read More