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The Gotland Adventure

posted in: Felting, Fiber Arts 2

Hobbit: You! Mr. Bilbo where’re you off to?

Bilbo Baggins: I’m already late.

Hobbit: Late for what?

Bilbo Baggins: I’m going on an adventure.

The Hobbit by J.R. R. Tolkien

The Gotland adventure began a year ago, when we brought two Gotland ewes to our farm. In another four months, 5 more Gotland sheep arrived to our mountainside from far away lands. These five sheep rode for three weeks in a livestock trailer, on an adventure of a lifetime, through wind and snow to come to our barn. Now, it is my turn to set off to parts unknown, in search of a daughter living abroad, Gotland sheep, wisdom and knowledge of distant lands, shepherds, castles, cobblestone streets, and foreign places and food.

Felted Adventure Bag

Such a journey calls for an adventure bag to carry maps, passport, site seeing books, boarding passes, camera, and a picture of home! So instead of tending to the zillion things that must be done to ready the farm for leaving, I am in my studio felting. Made of leather, silk and wool, this tote has pockets and hide-away compartments to carry all I will need.

Felted Travel Bag

At last, I will join my friends who have traveled afar.

I am going on an adventure!

Stay tuned for details. If technology does not fail me, in the weeks ahead, you can follow my adventure on instagram!  Wish me well, and I shall be off!

Warm greetings to all from Nicole’s Keep Calm Craft On!



2 Responses

  1. Terriea

    Have a great adventure and wonderful time. The tote bag is functional as well with leather is a good combination.